Friday, February 26, 2010

Guess Where Lauren Ashley's Foot Is....

Looks like the gay-bashing beauty queen, Lauren Ashley, was at it again in this latest interview with NBC...

Honestly- there's not much to say with regard to this that I've not already said. But I just couldn't resist posting this clip so we could all appreciate Miss Ashley's staggering intellect and theological savvy.

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-Vignette-Noelle Lammott, Fish out of Water Blog Commentator -

"To find out more information about LGBTQ rights, gay marriage, religion and homosexuality, The Bible's stance on gay relationships or the politics around gay mariage please feel free to contact us or book a screening of FISH OUT OF WATER. Please note that a study guide can be downloaded from the "Book A Screening" page at"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG! Too funny- love that she froze over the GAYS FOR JESUS question!